To expose the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus, locate the origin of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle on the posterior surface of the lateral femoral condyle. 为显露外侧半月板后角,应先找到位于股骨外侧髁后面的腓肠肌外侧头起点。
The description of the origin of the arteries supplying the middle and lower thirds of the sternocleidomastoid muscle ( SCM) was not consistent in the literature. 文献中对胸锁乳突肌中、下段肌动脉来源的记载很不一致。
Results: In origin of muscle, the nerve main trunk sent out numerous small branches, especially in medial part. 结果:肌的起端,神经主干上发出若干细小分支,尤以内侧部为多;
Conclusions: MDCs can contribute to blood cells, but origin of the cells contributing to blood cells in MDCs is from bone marrow, not from muscle stem cells. 结论:小鼠肌肉来源的细胞具有造血潜能,具有此功能的干细胞为髓源性的,而非肌肉干细胞横向分化所致;
Between lateral rectus and the origin of inferior rectus muscle. 沿外直肌和下直肌起点之间切开Zinn腱环。
The origin of nerve fibers supplying the anterior belly of digastric muscle in rat traced with horseradish peroxidase 用辣根过氧化物酶追踪大鼠二腹肌前腹神经纤维的来源
Methods: The fibrous arch structure of the origin of adductor muscle of thumb was observed and measured on 20 ( 40 sides) adult cadaveric hand specimens. 方法:解剖20个(40侧)成人尸体标本手的拇收肌腱弓,对拇收肌起始部的纤维弓状结构进行观察、测量,对观测结果进行统计学处理。
The relationship between the origin of anterior and middle scalene muscle and the upper trunk of brachiplex 前、中斜角肌起点与臂丛上干的关系及其临床意义
Objective To reappraise the origin of gastrointestinal smooth muscle tumors. 目的重新评价胃肠道平滑肌肿瘤的组织发生。
Methods The origin, course, distribution and anastomoses of the nutrient vessels to the anconeus muscle were observed and recorded in eight cadaver upper extremities. 方法选用新鲜尸体上肢10只,取8例在手术显微镜下解剖,观察肘肌营养血管的起始、走行、分布及吻合情况。